Thursday, January 26, 2012

VPR - Kico 25th Birthday

Another Video Project! YEAAAYYY!!!!

Dealing Process with Uqi!
Berhubung blog ini dibuat di sela-sela kesuntukan bekerja, jadi ada baiknya untuk berbahasa Indonesia saja #padahalGaAdaYangPeduli :|

January 12, 2012 (D-11)
Sooo.... hari itu Aisyah Khulqi (Uqi) DM saya bertanya mengenai adakah rencana surprise ulang tahun ke-25 untuk pacarnya tercinta, honey bunny sweetie alalabumbum Kico. Dan, saya pun membalas "engga" *polos*
Tapi, karena cintanya yang tak terbatas, Uqi pun melanjutkan perbincangan dengan menanyakan berbagai kemungkinan untuk surprise si honey bunny sweetie *pret* ini.

January 13, 2012 (D-10)
Keesokannya, cobalah saya lontarkan e-mail ber-rantai ke beberapa orang sembari memberikan beberapa opsi. Sebenarnya, saya sendiri condong dengan ide "kasi karangan bunga" atau "...... (ada ide dari yg lain?)". Namun, apa daya pungguk merindukan bulan, opsi yang terakhir itu seperti biasa tidak muncul, sedangkan waktu tinggal 1.5 minggu lagi. Jadilah harapan kasi karangan bunga, tapi melihat cinta yang begitu besar dan keinginan Uqi memberikan video (*katanya Kico belum pernah dapat video*), jadilah saya..... .... lu... luh. *menunduk*

Terinspirasi oleh video ultah ke-32 David Awiee Axioo (link here), terpilihlah ide untuk membuat video "25 things about Kico". Mengingat waktunya uda mepet, saya uda selesai cuti dan tingkat kesulitan konsep ini rendah, jadilah undangan langsung disebarkan bagi yang mau ikutan. Tantangan video ini sebenarnya cuma 2:
  1. Apa saja 25 karakter si birthday boy, dan...
  2. Semua harus shooting di tempat yang sama (backgroundnya harus sama) --> jadi ga bisa shoot sendiri-sendiri
Point 1 berhasil diatasi segera berkat memori indah (& sampah) dari Uqi dan teman-teman lainnya via email ber-rantai tersebut. Tapi, point nomor 2 ini jadi meluas ke mana-mana, khususnya terkait masalah TEMPAT. Setelah apartemen teman-teman kita tidak available, akhirnya dengan manuver cantik dari sang Pacar dari Jepang (Uqi), dibooklah sebuah kamar di hotel Avissa Suites Kuningan. RUAAAARRR BIASAAA!!!! 
Our Shooting Venue
Perluasan point nomor 2 lainnnya adalah adanya orang yang shooting di Jakarta maupun di Jepang, serta mereka yang tidak bisa datang ke lokasi shooting pada hari yang dijanjikan itu. Sampai dengan tgl 13 malam, solusinya adalah: yg di Jakarta akan kasitau backgroundnya apa nanti yang dipakai, jadi bisa sama ama yang di Jepang. Sedangkan, yang ga bisa ke lokasi shooting, tidak bisa ikutan video :'( #maap

Januari 14, 2012 (D-9)
Berkumpullah orang-orang yang ingin join video di hotel yang ternyata Oke Bet ini! 1-2-3-.....-12 orang akhirnya berhasil di-shoot dengan adegan kocak sinting seperti biasa. Yet, it's always fun :) Yang di jepang pun sudah dikabarin untuk shoot dengan background tembok putih dan shootnya setengah badan.
Geng Jakarta
Tetapi.... baru keingatlah nomor 2 ini potensial meluas lagi! Hampir bisa dipastikan lighting di Jakarta beda dengan yang di Jepang, belum lagi kalau resolusi kameranya beda. Akhirnya, diputuskan ada 'sinetron'-nya biar berperan sebagai 'bridge' kumpulan klip yg di Jakarta ama yg di Jepang. Sekaligus, solusi agar videonya ga kependekan PLUS memang tidak kesampaian mengumpulkan 25 orang :))))

"Kico Itu...." by Geng Jakarta
Nah, kebetulan malam sebelumnya ada nonton video youtube ini! Karena keingetnya telat, jadilah coba dibuat seadanya adegan yahuuud ini dengan bantuan orang-orang yang tersisa di hotel malam itu. Bikin film seperti ini is my second experience untuk project mini movies, setelah yang pertama untuk perpisahan Ranco dan muemang SERU SEKALI! :))) Thanks to Riko, Vidi, Berlan, Mie, dan Eja!

Akhirnya setelah berlangsung selama 5 jam, seluruh shooting selesai 0830 PM! Wooohooooo!!!! Hingga..... Dalam perjalanan pulang, terlintaslah pemikiran.... siapa yang shoot guwaaa?!@#&%$*@)!*@

January 15-16, 2012 (D-8 & D-7)
Saatnya konsolidasi, rename dan grouping files. Jangan lupa, eh eh, jangan lupa, koordinasi dengan pihak Jepang. Berkat fasilitas dropbox, diambillah file-file dari Jepang sambil harap-harap cemas jangan ampe jadi top 5 internet users di kantor T.T hahahaha...
Geng Jepang
Reaksi pertama yang didapat setelah lihat video dari Jepang: "ADOOOOOH!" karena miskomunikasi, jadinya karakter yang uda di Jakarta nongol lagi di Jepang. Reaksi ke-2: "ADOOOOH!" karena ukuran kameranya beda resolusi. Reaksi ke-3: "AHAAA!" untung kemarin iseng-iseng shoot adegan-adegan itu untuk bridge. Hahahaha... So, all is well, all is well... *tepuk2dada* *tariSaman* *uhYeah*

"Kico Itu...." by Geng Jepang

January 17-21, 2012 (D-6 - D-2)
Optimasi otak kanan dimulai. Saatnya kreativitas diaduk dengan Final Cut Pro. Thanks God, I was able to re-install my lost iMovie. Thus, I got back all my sound effects! Hohohoho.... *sambil kembali harap-harap cemas menjadi top5 internet user*

Fokus editing terbesar dan terberat ternyata ada justru di adegan pembuka ini, bukan yg ucapan-ucapannya. Took around 3 days for editing this part. then, the next 2 days focused more on the characters & greetings. Karena editing ini bukan bagian yang menarik untuk diceritakan, jadi takkan dibahas lebih lanjut, hehehe.

Lebih menarik mungkin untuk sharing sekitar ide dasar video ini ~ yang mana sebenarnya baru benar-benar dapat konsepnya pas editing. Banyak kilas kurang lebih beginilah ceritanya:
  1. Ide dasarnya adalah bagaimana menciptakan cerita yang bisa memunculkan 2 kubu rangkaian video, which are: rangkaian video Jakarta dan rangkaian video Jepang
  2. Lalu, kepikiranlah ide untuk memakai acara TV sebagai penghubungnya. Jadi, Kico lagi nonton TV tapi tiba-tiba tv-nya ada gangguan, eh.... nyambung2 jadi muka-muka kita ini
  3. Nah, seperti yang dibilang tadi, bahwa saya terinspirasi oleh video "Dreamers"-nya The Dreamlapse Project, jadi pengen menjadikan mata Kico ini sebagai lensa kamera!
  4. Akhirnya, dirangkailah cerita mini... di mana Kico yang terhuyung-huyung *caileh bahasa guwe* mendatangi kawannya setelah bonyok dikeroyok ma doyok #siiiing.
  5. Masuklah kemudian ke kamar, dimanjakan ditenangkan dipijet-pijet biar pegelnya ilang boossss! Hingga kemudian dia ditinggal di kamar sendiri, misteri pun sontak terjadi... lampu mati, tapi tv tetap nyala namun channel-nya hilang sinyal *imposibel emang*. Nah, mistis-mistis gerimis kelimis gini kan bikin shock si Kico. Pingsan lah si doi! Gubrak! mimpi-mimpi tiba-tiba dari tv yg ngaco ini, keluarlah video kita-kita...... yang mana diawali dengan my showtime! Huakakakakakak *adegan memalukan* #sigh
  6. Setelah semua video yg dari Jakarta, Kico yang tadinya mimpi pingsan tertidur tiba-tiba kedatangan teman-teman lainnya. Teman-teman yang peduli akan dia yg pingsan ini kemudian nonton bareng video ucapan-ucapan yang dari Jepang hingga greeetings rame2. So, it's also about friendship :) 
Preface & Bridge Scenes Snapshot
Di samping adegan-adegan di atas ini, sebenarnya ada beberapa scenes yang akhirnya terpaksa tidak jadi ditampilkan ~ bukan karena di-delete (Edo mah orangnya ga suka delete kerjaan orang ;) #pencitraan) tapi karena enga sempat disyuting. Ada 2:
  1. Adegan Pengeroyokan (awal video): ini mau difilmkan oleh Dannu (yg kemarin ga sempat join syuting) sebagai pengeroyoknya dan yg terkeroyok adalah Kico sendiri...Caranya?
    Saat Kamis pas Kico ajak kita ngumpul itu, gw dan Dannu sudah sepakat sebenarnya untuk menipu Kico. Bilang bahwa kita disuru Moli kasi surprise untuk pesta bujangnya Akom. Surprisenya adalah bikin video untuk pesta bujang-nya Akom dengan skenario Akom mau diculik oleh kita-kita! *tiba-tiba Akom&Moli dibawa-bawa*
    Nah, Kico, sebagai yg perawakannya paling mirip Akom, ceritanya akan dikeroyok oleh Dannu & the gang. Dikeroyok, dimasukkin ke mobil, dibuang ke jalanan, terus....... baru lanjut ke adegan di video sekarang.
    GAGAL KARENA yg bisa Kamis ini sepi, jadilah batal. Dannu pun sedih :(
  2. Adegan Tertawa Bahagia (akhir video): lagi-lagi dengan dalih video bujang Akom, pengen sekali minta Kico untuk memegang kamera terus membalikkan kameranya lalu tersenyum dan tertawa. Rencananya ini ditempatkan di akhir video sebagai penjelasan bahwa yg menjadi kamera selama ini adalah Kico dan dia pun bahagia setelah menonton TV berisikan ucapan2 selamat dari teman-temannya :)
    GAGAL KARENA alasannya yang sama ama #1

January 22, 2012 (D-1)
Dua hal penting terjadi di hari ini, yaitu:
  1. Uqi memberikan kabar tidak sedap bahwa...... surprisenya sudah ketahuan sama Kico. TIDAAAAAAAAAAKKKK!!! *ngais-ngais ubin* *garuk-garuk pasir* *dorong-dorong kuya* Berawal dari perjalanan cinta mereka dengan kereta ke luar kota, Kico kemudian meminjam iPad Uqi dan dengan jari jemarinya yang terampil, dibukalah program "email". Toweweweeenggg... boing boing boing, nonggollah email ber-subject-kan "Surprise-x Kico". Kemudian, sebagaimana dilaporkan oleh saudari Uqi, Kico ini pun 'senyam-senyum dikulum'.... lalu mengembalikan iPadnya, tanpa mengaku apa-apa. Tapi, Tapiii... TE... TA.... PIII! Uqi telah menjadi saksi bisu.... suuu... suu... su... u.... *bergema*
  2. Lemas sudah hati ini melanjutkan editing. Namun, untungnya sudah tinggal finishing touch. Akhirnya siang harinya, video ini sudah jadi. ditonton ulang, kemudian ditemukanlah.... kesalahan dalam bahasa inggris. *pakai kemeja* *hitung kancing* *ulang, engga, ulang, engga, ulang* #PerfectionistWon
January 23, 2012 (D-Day)
Akhirnya, hari yang ditunggu-tunggu telah tiba. Gong Xi, Gong Xi, Fat Fat Cai! #eh

Sesuai rencana, kita berkumpul jam 9 di AlfaMart / IndoMart / Mart-Mart lainnya (MART-ENGADING #siiiing) dekat kosan Kico. Sekitar 9:45 invasi ke kaamarnya pun dimulai... Pintu dibuka, dan.. dan... daann.... seorang pria sudah rapi dengan rambut gel sudah menyambut. bahkan, sudah siap dengan korek api di mejanya. #failed

Setelah makan-makan, minum-minum, ketawa-ketawa ga jelas di atap, berpindahlah kita ke kamar Kico. Kamar kosan untuk 1 orang pun berhasil dimasuki oleh 10 orang lebih *soWhatGituLoh*. Akhirnya video pun disetel. Sayang sekali begitu ya kamera aye endak dicharge jadi ga sempat merekam kejadian selama nonton. Namun, yang pasti terjadi adalah....
  1. Kico dan penonton lain tertawa puas
  2. Kico terharu dan menangis :)
  3. Setengah jam seusai video disetel pun, masih menangis...
  4. akhirnya, ga lama kemudian Kico pun berkomentar "gw ga bisa ngomong apa-apa... gw beneran ga tau mau ngomong apa... bagi gw, kalian ini teman-teman paling ga jelas yang gw punya...
Birthday Boy Tak Kuasa Menahan Tangis Haru :')
Tear of Joy from the Birthday Boy (check his right cheek!)
That's it! Thank you so much to all participants!
Great Time, Lots of Fun and Nice Performance! Hope you enjoy the video =)
@Mie & @Aldut who recorded a lots on the D-Day, please Upload! Upload! Upload! :D
See you all in other projects :) GBU!

DotCom - DOTting our COMmunities

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Life, Love and Miracle

"One-week leave has brought another new life perspective into my eyes"

it's a romantic sweet cheesy title with What-The-.... opening :))
Easy, Guys! Ain't talking bout something corny here. Huahahahaha..

How r you all doin? Hope all is going well, guys :)
 2 weeks after my first 2012 blog post, here comes my another writing. Yes, I'm now on the edge of my leave. It's going to expire soon :(, time to get back to my Sudirman office, get prepared to rumble back with Jakarta traffic madness. :'((((
Well not purely sad thou, "The most valuable thing I have learned from life is to regret nothing" (Somerset Maugham). And, somehow someways, I found some new life excitement livin in my future world after some same shits happened. I don't know exactly what it is going to be, yet instantly many good things (read: "blesses") pouring my past few days. It's been my biggest passion since past few years ago (esp. after graduation) and glad tidings came! nothing to be mentioned now, yet big hope for this big miracle could really happen. Amen! #crossfingered :)

Going to AJ Rafael concert on the last Friday the 13th was one of my inspirations to write this blog. Who is he? AJ Rafael is a very very very successful YouTube Artist (Singer & Song-Writer). Best word to describe him might be: the pioneer of Am-Phil YouTube dynasty. Internet has literally brought his dream into reality, took him here across the world to South East Asia for album promo tour. 
Starting his MySpace around 6-7 years ago, then YouTube came along and Facebook and Twitter, now his album was nominated for the next Grammy and his channel now has already had like 242 videos with almost 400K subscribers and more than 80 million views! AWESOME! I still remembered his speech on the concert bout this new generation:
"... and, Those things (mySpace, YouTube, FB, Twitter) kinda sound dumb for parents and stuff like that. But, Hey, this is what we lived on right now! This is a new generation of music, a new generation of entertainment!"

Despite of those non-stop crazy teenagers screams (!!!!), It was a nice concert! It really amazed me (and AJ Rafael as well, I guessed)... 5 years ago who ever thought that YouTube uploader from the opposite part of the world might sing in front of hundreds people here, in Indonesia, and they sing along with you! The crowds surprisingly memorized almost all his songs' lyrics, even the ones outside the album! #HailYeahYouTube!

I recorded around 20s videos during the concert, including his performance with other talented YouTube Artists, i.e.: Krissy & Ericka (from Philippines) and Audrey & Gamal (from Indonesia). Really want to compile them all and publish the snipets soon, yet something more urgent waiting :) If this snipet is classified as ASAP Project, then it makes 3 projects To-Be-Finished by the end of January!!!! In-SANE.... .. ... ...... . .  .   ..  . _________ #KO

The other 2 projects are:
  1. Occupy Bandung Part 2 now is still in editing process. Current Progress: Finished editing up until Round 2 (of 3) Game 1 (of 3) --"
  2. Secret Project. Hehehe, just finished all shootings yesterday (Saturday). Frankly, this is my inspiration to put "Love" in this blog title. Just feel amazed how big L.O.V.E. can move a girlfriend to work hard for her boyfriend's present :) And, am glad to be a part of your both love journey. Hope I won't disappoint you two and all participants ;)
Alright then, time to say goodbye. As the ending, I would like to share one of AJ Rafael's songs. This song has stuck in my head since yesterday. And, it's called "Without You". As usual, when the song was stuck in my head generally not because of the lyrics, yet due to its melody & beat :P  

As I got a bit free time later tonight, finally I got the chance to check out its music video and lyrics, apparently it fits with what happened recently.

This is what AJ said about the story behind the song:
"My Godfather, "Kuya" Frank, passed away last October after a 4-year long battle with cancer and it struck a familiar feeling in my gut. My Dad passed away when I was 10 and the reailty of losing another father figure really hit me hard.

I wrote this song not about a death or losing someone to an illness, but about wanting to be with someone so bad that you couldn't go another day without them-- but this song spoke differently to my Kuya Frank's wife Ate Rhea. She told me that she listened to this song as if it was Kuya Frank singing to her, fighting for her, and wanting to be there for her through all of this. Thus, the original concept for this video was born and it stuck in my head-- and I pray that this video helps you realize that you are not alone in your struggle, whether it is you or a loved one going through it.

This video is based on The Five Stages of Grief (Kübler-Ross model). Everyone who deals with a life-changing or life-threatening event has a unique journey to go through, but I still hope that you all can relate to this in one way or another. 
Don't forget to let your loved ones know that you love them... We never know what tomorrow might bring."
Thus, I would like to dedicate this song for those who are now striving to survive in their difficult times, especially in the state of serious illnesses. Recently I got couple of sorrow news of people dying. I dont know them, never met them before, yet it's still shocking every time hearing those sad news. May God bless be upon you all and your family. Amen!

Keep connecting the dots, make our dreams coming true and.... "If there's a light in everybody, send out your rays of sunshine" (Mraz)

Let's finish these projects! Smile :)

NB: for you who are interested on psychology article and with what AJ Rafael meant by "The Five Stages of Grief (Kübler-Ross model)", check this article:

Sunday, January 1, 2012

VPR - Occupy Bandung [Pt. 1] & Season's Greetings

Okay, that greeting simply just made me getting more terrified now with this lonely ambience. Yes, I went to my office on January 1st, 2012, SUNDAY! and Client's Office on December 31st, 2011! Awesome, isn’t it? 
Unfortunately, No… I came by there and spent couple of hours just to upload my latest 2011 video project: “Occupy Bandung [Part 1] & Season's Greetings” Yeeaaaaayyy!!! *gimme, gimme that high five*

 Occupy Bandung Trailer

Right 1.5 month after the trailer came out (too long? hahaha), Finally it’s wrapped up :) The scenes were taken about 2 months ago and I finally got the chance to finish it by the end of 2011. As I mentioned about my prolonged problems in my previous blog (READ IT!), I took almost 2 weeks to finish this project. I once promised to finish it before New Year, hopefully might be a great New Year present for all of you! Cup Cup Muah! *sign my thongs* *give them to my fans*

Alright let's talk about the video. At the beginning, I got like almost 40 clips in total. They all took place in 2 days of our trip. The main focus is the Running Man Games (we played about 3 games). Yet, each game cost about 5-15 minutes per game. Meanwhile, I haven't had YouTube Premium Account, thus only able to upload at max 15 mins per video (I thought only 10 mins - it's just been upgraded). Hence, There's a need to tweak this snag. That's why I decided to separate this project into 2 parts (with continuous storyline). Now... let's start talking the first part :)
Soundtrack is the most critical part for this video since I had to admit the scenes were quite boring & long. Well, before we didn't have plan to film it. As usual, they trust me to think and develop the end-to-end project (Q: should I be proud or depressed? A: Both...). Thus, I decided to research songs with "Night" or "Tonight" keywords as the OSTs. Then, here were the nominees:
  1. Give Me Everything Tonight - Pitbull feat Ne-Yo
  2.  Last Friday Night - Katy Perry
  3. All Night Long - Afro Blue (The Sing-Off S03)
  4. Yeah 3x - Chris Brown
  5. DJ Got Us Falling in Love - Usher feat Pitbull
  6. Silent Night -  Susan Boyle !@^*$&(#*!
And finally, I went with..... wait... let's talk per chapter :)

[1] Wedding & Departure
The 1st Part's main storyline is playing around with all clips outside those RM games, i.e.: departure, visit Sarwang, drop in on ITB, and the Wedding itself. However, the games (which will be the 2nd part) came about between the 'ITB' scenes and 'Wedding' scene.
In order to trick on it, I used a reversed mode at the beginning. Wedding scene came first, then the rest went onwards as per the reality. I knew you noticed that my clip was different than others - Open Vacancy for Co-cameraman & Co-editor!!!

The Casts!
  • Wedding: AJ Rafael - Here, Tonight (Intro) -> Really perfect for the opening, love his album! (Original Video, click Here)
  • Departure: AJ Rafael - Emma Watson -> the melody fits well with "Here Tonight" since in his 'Red Roses' album this song comes second right after 'Here Tonight'. He is coming to Jakarta this January anyway, guys! Go buy the tickets! Talented Musician & YouTube Artist :) Original Video, click Here)

[I.2] Dinner Time - Sarwang
This chapter was the second most difficult chapter to be made. The final concept finally popped up after at the same time I heard Hot Chelle Rae's "Tonight, Tonight" and watched Riko's scene while he was tying his shoelace. Aha, Bingo! The lyrics fitted well with Riko's expression. Then, here comes the difficult part which is trying to compile all scenes gathered into only about 20-30 seconds frame. At first, I put all of them into 1 scene (9 small windows). However, after watching it back over and over, I decided to change it into 6 small windows per scene. Thank you for the experiences of watching YouTube videos a lot (too much, I guessed)! :)

Historical Gaze!
  • Hot Chelle Rae - Tonight, Tonight -> apparently at the early stage of video editing, I deleted this song from my nomination list. Yet, as somehow I figured out some scenes might fit well with the lyrics, so let's welcome the return of........... this song!| Click 'Like' for the UNO DOS TRES :)

[I.3] Character Introduction
Hey world, this is the introduction of SeX! :)) Inspired by our friend's mate's twitter, seX (= sekali = very) has been our chat topic all night long. Well, apparently this is the most difficult part! At first, I only thought of compiling all of the se-X scenes (previous OST nomination: I Just Had Sex - Akon feat Lonely Island).
However, I suddenly got an idea of showing our characters through this freak food-ordering conversation. Just a glimpse of story plot to be combined with our crazy silly absurd actions! So unfortunate we didn't capture the waiter's laugh after hearing our 'seX' games :))
The Most Foreseen Character
  • Guy Sebastian - Natalie King Cole medley - Someday (Live - YouTube) -> this part is tricky. It was really difficult to find perfect slow-yet-fun song. The clips have very witty messages, yet it went in slow tempo (lots of conversations). Thus, the winner goes to....... Guy Sebastian's live performance at one of the cafes in Australia (the original video's link here)

[I.4] ITB, Here We Come!

Soundtrack played its key role here. We got additional player who joined at the end of our dinner, Mirza Harun. That night, we thought of our next destination and somehow somewhere it ended with our campus! What the heck do people think that the alumni come by their campus on 1130 PM?! No, we didn't come for Ospek. The reality was we were thought as Student Cabinet's representatives or Rector's delegates to monitor Ospek in ITB -__-" We got caught by Arsi's alumni ('Swasta') and  our recordings on their 'Swasta Night' had to be deleted :( I was caught alone, then Kico came to support me, yet the rest just went away since they didn't know that I was kidnapped. *WHO THE HELL IS THE ALUMNI??!* #exaggerated #our2ndCharacter #PartI.3
Section 2 - Boyband Scene
Anyway, basically there are 3 sections in this chapter. [1] Background of our campus visit, [2] Boyband walk (just for fun, found not on purpose :p), [3] our activities at 'current' Industrial Engineering Student Association's base. We've got a lot of fun time here thou it's 2AM already, see how we even made some drama with the Bamboo sticks! LOOOOL!

Section 3 - Riko acting as Batagor seller
  • Mario Bros Soundtrack -> the idea was to use Mario Bros' soundtrack when he got mushroom as an indication that we got an additional player. After hearing the whole song, I think it's a good soundtrack for the whole story of our campus visit.
  • The Committed - I Want It That Way -> Sing-Off season 2 winner brought their amazing A Capella version of BSB's song which is also one of our favorite karaoke songs.
  • Sam Tsui - Summer Medley 2011 -> almost all of the nominated songs are packed into this 1 amazing mash-up made by Sam Tsui & Kurt Hugo Schneider. Really love the beat! FYI, Both are YouTube Artists, Sam Tsui even acted as additional MC for The Sing-Off Season 3! (go check their YouTube channels! lotta cool stuffs there! Original video click here)| Click' Like' for the perfect fit of Dance event ads with "Party Rock Anthem" part :)

[I.5] Alien's Invasion

My favorite chapter! Hahaha. Took around 6 takes with monopod for this freak absurd scene. The idea was how to connect the first part with the 2nd part. Since there's only 1 person editing this project, this shy guy needed to volunteer himself for this chapter. Showtime, Baby! :]

After downloading the iLife Sound Effects from torrent (took 2 days! geez!), I thought it might be the best chance to play with some sci-fi sounds effects. The idea was to show that there's a technical problem and I got noticed by an Alien from outer space that my 10 mins is going to expire soon (time limit for normal YouTube account), so I need to fix the error. After I fixed it (shown by the return of the previous soundtrack), I urgently needed to give the final message, i.e.: Chapter 2 to be launched on January 2012 :)

Me with Flying Holograms
Some interesting facts behind this part, i.e.:
  1. Technology trend infection: This time I also tried to use the 'screen and motion' effects like the current technologies trend [flying holograms]. Thou it's not perfectly edited, hopefully it still looked cool! huahahahaha
  2. Alay words: it was actually meant to be Alien's speech telling me that I only had few minutes left for this video (Non-Alay word: "Ten Minutes Limit Expires Soon!"). Yet, due to the technical error, it became alay :P
  3. Wardrobe: I really wanted to use futuristic glasses / wardrobes, unfortunately I didn't have it *huaaaaa*. Since it's already December 31st! (which was planned to be the launching date of this movie, yet it was failed due to some technical errors -> eventually it did happen for real -__-"), I decided to use normal properties :| Next time, Next time! I am going to rent Barney's outfit!
  4. Clone Effect: Again it didn't came out perfectly, we're not close enough in kiss scene. Dont know why the lighting became different, yet due to limited time... I needed to relax my OCD for now.

[I.6] Season's Greetings

As I mentioned in the previous blog, I really wanted to make Christmas video. And finally I decided to put this additional scene. Although the Christmas has passed for a week, yet I still wanted to say Merry Christmas :) And, Happy New Year for sure! I took the clip from my family's Christmas trip to Bandung. A giant glowing xmas tree in Congo was quite appropriate for this occasion. Since I had a mistletoe with "Merry Christmas" greeting in the previous scene, I picked Bieber's "Mistletoe" as the OST. YEAAAY :)

Final words, I really want to thank you mates for all of your supports along 2011. Now, 2012 is coming and I really wish able to make more & better videos :) All the best for all of us in Twenty-Twelve! Amen. 
Dotting Our Communities, God Bless Us and Enjoy the Video :]
