“The other day when someone asked
"Are you living your dream?"
I didn't know what to say,
I honestly had to think.
I try to be so many places at the same time
Every day a million things cluttering up my mind.
Another feather falling off my wings
I climb so high it gets hard to breathe
Forget to remember, what I really need.” (Colbie Caillat - What Means The Most)
"Are you living your dream?"
I didn't know what to say,
I honestly had to think.
I try to be so many places at the same time
Every day a million things cluttering up my mind.
Another feather falling off my wings
I climb so high it gets hard to breathe
Forget to remember, what I really need.” (Colbie Caillat - What Means The Most)
One of The Biggest questions in everyone’s mind. An ignition wick of my return
to blog writing. Long time no blogging, no video making, and nothing to express.
Well, the latter was not entirely true :P
Pekan yang sangat menarik, a bit of roller-coaster in my life. I tried
to be in so many places at the same time with a million things in my mind.
Exactly correct what the lyrics said about. And, it's quite frustrating,
turning me a bit acrimonious. Works, friendship, family all matters to me.
However, what means the most actually is finding the excitement of doing
any things. Cliche? Yes, indeed. It'd be very good if we can do things that we
really enjoy to do, really love not to stop doing it, like my hobbies on
finding good theme songs for videos, editing them, surprising & cherishing them.
Nevertheless, life is full of surprises and will never always be full of
GOOD GOOD DAYS. As such, how do we try to at least make those bad moments a bit
exciting? Realizing it or not, sometimes the simple things that could mean the
most to us. It doesn't matter anymore whether we win or lose. Sometimes we just can't help the way we feel. That might be the reason why people in this world need religion and God + people surrounding us that we care and believe. It's true that at the end, it's ourselves that determine our own happiness. Some people might be very self-independent, some might have to depend on others to be happy. It's life adventure to try figuring out those simple things :)
"He lays me on the couch and says how has your
day been?
Tell me your problems, I'll help you solve them
Come on, let's talk about it, he sits next to me and smiles
Listens to all of my words, relaxes all of my nerves
Tell me your problems, I'll help you solve them
Come on, let's talk about it, he sits next to me and smiles
Listens to all of my words, relaxes all of my nerves
Like breathing,
let it go, shout it out
Take deeps breathes and real slow, calm down
Close my eyes, soft spoke, ease my mind, take control
From my body please work your psychology" (India Arie - Therapy)
let it go, shout it out
Take deeps breathes and real slow, calm down
Close my eyes, soft spoke, ease my mind, take control
From my body please work your psychology" (India Arie - Therapy)
Recently, I found out this inspiring quotes:
“People are often unreasonable and self centered,
forgive them anyway…
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior
motives, be kind anyway…
If you're honest, people may cheat you. Be honest
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be
happy anyway…
The good you do today, might be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway…
Give the world the best you have, and it may never
be enough. Give your best anyway…” (Mother Theresa)
Such A mood-booster to recall on what really means the most in my life. I found back some life excitement when I made wedding video for my college friends, Moli - Akom Wedding Trailer. As its OST, life became "Brighter Than The Sun" at the moment! Maybe, this is the same case as what my lil brother thought of taking job as social worker with only small amount of salary that has been stressing out my Mom recently. Sometimes, we might only need to be more simple-minded, stop over-thinking, release guilty feelings, let go off our trauma and just do what we love.
"Happy is the heart that still feels pain
Darkness drains and light will come again
Swing open up your chest and let it in
Just let the love, love, love begin.
Everybody, everybody wants to love
Everybody, everybody wants to be loved" (Inggrid Michaelson - Everybody)
Not an easy task to do. Those are just words, indeed. Yet, why not we try to be used to have those kinds of perspectives :)
Long way to go ahead. The 2nd phase of my project (work) will start next week, still lots of scenes for another surprise video need to be taken (gotta be invisible for this video :] ), left brain to be optimized to develop concept for my best friend's prewed video, and my brother seems willing to postpone his daring plan.
Bit by bit try to rejuvenate my self-confidence and self-independence, not to let my ego disrupt others, be someone friends can always count on thou not the vice versa, better to stand out than to fit in, so hopefully....
"The next time that someone asks me
"are you living your dream?"
I guess I'll know what to say
I won't even have to think." (Colbie Caillat - What Means The Most)
NB: this blog is also a compendium of song lyrics that I got recently from wedding videos (Axioo).
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