Wednesday, October 19, 2011

DotCom - Dotting Our Communities


Welcome to my first post in my first blog ever! :)
It's been on my head for past few years to commence a blog to share more what I love to do. Moreover, someone out there, a true blog-writer-who-loves-to-persuade-me-in-blogging successfully accomplished her mission. Haha..  And, I guessed it's better to start late than bury our dreams, right? ;)

So, here I start!
As an early introduction,  let me walk you down to the idea of my blog name and what this blog will mostly talk about. 
"DotCom" is an abbreviation of 'Dotting our COMmunities'. edo_dot_com itself was my email address made idly during my childhood. 
While, 'Dotting Our Communities' originated from what I love to do in the past 3 years, i.e.: making any visualized presents (videos, slideshows, board game, photos, etc) for my friends particularly for their special days. Pleasant moments that've been felt missing in my life and my friends' after our graduation.

Simple proverb said: "All start from small things." 
At first, it wasn't easy at all. Yet, as the time goes by, things are getting better and better. 

FROM being so difficult in collecting people INTO cultivating eagerness & passion in people's hearts to be involved in every single project
FROM very simple cheesy boring ideas INTO more attractive beguiling concepts
FROM calling & borrowing my friends' cameras INTO having my own camera with quite good resolutions
FROM relying only on images INTO playing more wildly with videos
FROM only putting all images, transitions, n texts in WindowsMovieMaker INTO craving of new movie editing techniques in FinalCutPro
FROM loving songs n artists without understanding the lyrics INTO being addicted of lyrics & beats

And... the most pleasant and satisfied change I felt is: 
FROM a cynical, anti-social, n stiff person INTO someone who now believe fully in true sincere friendship and try to live for n with others
:P Now it does sounds cliche, Do! LOL. 

Yet, that's an idealism and principle I keep so far. Sometimes, we thought something cliche is such a rubbish, too abstract, and whatever negative words to describe it. 
However, without positive attitude and strong belief, we're just getting weaker and dying. 
Without bad experience, people will not learn any lesson.
And, this is definitely what inspired me to prove that true since friendship does exist!

Inspired by this friendship ideology, at least I found 1 of my passion... which is: Visualization for Our Loved Ones! And, so far, it's been a really great journey to experience this never-ending learning curve. A lesson of people management, humanity, respect, caring, creativity, and certainly friendship!

Whoever, whenever, wherever we are... always be grateful for any experience we have, look at the bright side, and turn them up into our motivation to show what is right instead of asking them to do it! 
Fight negativity with positivity!
Connect our past dots and be an agent of Change! Keep Changing, yet only to good ways..
We all re on our way to that dream, I do believe it :)

"Phew! What was that, Edoo???" Hahaha. After such a long background, the conclusion why I made this blog almost comes up to the end. In a nutshell, this blog will mostly discuss a story behind my Dotting-Our-Communities projects. What ideas coming at the early stage, what kind of concepts used, who are involved in this project, n finally the showtime!

Hopefully, I will always remember to write down all "Behind The Story" projects and never stop this passion. 
It's only a small chapter in my life, 
a small thing I can do for and with others, 
yet full of a big mission to deliver peace to the world... 
especially to my surroundings.


NB: If you want to keep on track with my projects, don't forget to check & subscribe my: 

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